Don’t fall for this dental trend!

There’s a dental trend that has gained traction, and it’s producing problems across the UK.


We can’t bite our tongues and say nothing about the matter. 


We’re talking about the rise of “turkey teeth.”  You might’ve heard about this in the news. 🗞️


People are rushing abroad – usually to Turkey – to pay less for crowns/veneers, and they’re coming back with poor results that cost even more to fix. 


Now, we get it. The lure of jetting off to an exotic destination and returning with a brand-new, Insta-worthy smile is tempting.


But the repercussions are great. 🧨


Some overseas clinics go overboard and drill precious teeth down to little pegs. This irreversible procedure leads to weakened teeth that may snap off or require root canal treatment. Often teeth are fused together into a crown bridges and this is detrimental for your gums. 


Veneers seem to be the go-to solution abroad, even when less invasive options can achieve the results the patient is after. 


For example, teeth whitening and bonding can be all that’s needed in many cases! These are more affordable procedures that keep your enamel intact. 🦷💪


Unfortunately I have seen this problem first hand, and it is not great. Sure, most people will be fine immediately, but you have no idea what problems are stored for you in the future.


So, if you want the perfect smile and think you must rush abroad to get it, please think again. 🙏


In the UK, you can rest assured you’re getting an extremely high standard of care and expertise. You’re in safe hands. 👐



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