are you spotting more wrinkles and fine lines when you peer into the mirror? Have you noticed a sudden drop in facial volume?
If so, you’re seeing typical signs of ageing.
While we can’t stop ageing forever, we can slow down the signs and restore a youthful appearance and glow.
Here are some effective methods for freezing the clock – for a while at least!
☀️Preservation Through Sunscreen:
The first bit of advice won’t be new to you, but it’s indispensable. Apply sunscreen daily.
Sunscreen can protect your skin and guard you against the effects of ageing. In fact, sun exposure is the most common reason for visible signs of ageing, so it’s not something you want to leave out of your morning routine.
🌱Embracing Health-Conscious Choices:
If you want to appear younger, try cutting down on habits that accelerate ageing, such as drinking and smoking and sugars.
Countless studies show drinking and smoking can lead to premature ageing.
Since we’re also dentists, we want to remind you smoking isn’t great for your teeth either. When you smoke, you increase your risk of gum problems, tooth loss, complications after tooth removal and unsightly tooth staining.
🧴Elevating Skin Routines with Retinol:
The realm of skincare welcomes a formidable ally – retinol!
A potent derivative of vitamin A, retinol wields the power to improve skin’s vitality. It can mitigate fine lines and stimulate collagen synthesis, but beware not all retinols are equal. The drugstore retinols contain much lower concentrations than the cosmeceuticals offered in clinics.
👀Miswak’s very own anti-ageing solutions:
If you’d like to transform your skin and minimise those signs of ageing, there’s another solution that’s effective, instant and customisable to your goals.
Of course, we’re talking about Bot.tox and our extended selection of anti-ageing treatments!
Thanks to these safe treatments, you don’t have to wait a long time for results (they’re immediate), and you can target specific areas, allowing for a completely personalised treatment with natural results.
If you want to learn more about our anti-ageing treatments and how they can support you to look younger, then get in touch with us. Just reply to this email to ask about our treatments or book online here.
We can’t wait to welcome you in!
Dr Harman & the Miswak team